April 2025 Bottle & Can Drive
Bottle and Can Drive Supporting Hamburg Unified Sports
Saturday April 5, 2025
Hamburg HS Parking Lot
4111 Legion Drive
Contact Steve 716-984-3959
Bottle and Can Drive Supporting Hamburg Unified Sports
Saturday April 5, 2025
Hamburg HS Parking Lot
4111 Legion Drive
Contact Steve 716-984-3959
MEETING- if needed
All are welcomed. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
Bottle and Can Drive Supporting Hamburg Girls Flag Football
Saturday May 3, 2025
Hamburg HS Parking Lot
4111 Legion Drive
Contact Scott 716-361-9920
All are welcomed. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
We will be nominating officers for the 25-26 school year.
Bottle and Can Drive Supporting Hamburg Cheerleading
Saturday June 7, 2025
Hamburg HS Parking Lot
4111 Legion Drive
Contact Becca 716-341-1457
MEETING-Annual Meeting
All are welcomed. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
We will be voting on positions for the 25-26 school year.
Bottle and Can Drive Supporting Hamburg Softball
Saturday March 8, 2025
Hamburg HS Parking Lot
4111 Legion Drive
Contact Rich 716-867-0303
All are welcomed. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
All are welcomed. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
Saturday Dec. 7, 2024
Hamburg High School Parking Lot
Supporting TBA
Please separate glass bottles
All are welcomed. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
Saturday Nov. 2, 2024
Hamburg High School Parking Lot
Supporting Girls Basketball
Please separate glass bottles
All are welcomed!
Saturday October 5, 2024
Hamburg High School Parking Lot
Supporting Boys Volleyball
Please separate glass bottles
Saturday Sept. 7, 2024
Hamburg High School Parking Lot
Supporting Boys and Girls Swimming & Diving
Contact Drew 716-880-7126
Please separate glass bottles
First meeting of the 24-25 school year. All are welcomed!
Interested in joining Booster Club, please join us. Nominees for ‘24-’25 Board of Director positions will be voted on tonight. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
Please separate your glass bottle from your plastic bottles and cans.
Interested in joining Booster Club, please join us. Nominations for the ‘24-’25 school year Board of Directors will be accepted this evening. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
Please separate your glass bottle from your plastic bottles and cans.
Help us raise money for our soon to be announced NEW fundraising campaign! IT involves BG Volleyball, BG and Unified Basketball, and Wrestling!
*Possible Meeting*
Interested in joining Booster Club, please join us. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm. Please check out social media if meetings are canceled.
Please separate your glass bottle from your plastic bottles and cans.
Interested in joining Booster Club, please join us. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm. Please watch our social media for cancelations of meetings.
Please separate your glass bottle from your plastic bottles and cans.
Contact Rich 716-867-0303
Please separate your glass bottle from your plastic bottles and cans.
Contact Nikki 716-648-7021
Interested in joining Booster Club, please join us. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
Please separate your glass bottle from your plastic bottles and cans.
Contact Jordan 716-307-8690
Please separate your glass bottle from your plastic bottles and cans.
Interested in joining Booster Club, please join us. We will be discussing the Hamburg Bulldog Dash and fall sport season. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
Please separate your glass bottle from your plastic bottles and cans.
Join us for the 7th annual Bulldog Dash 5k on October 15, 2023 9:30a at Hamburg’s Howe Field. This is the 5 year the dash will be In Celebration of Conor Long. Check in is through the middle school side of Howe Field on Saturday 10/14 10a-12p and Sunday 10/15 8a-9a. More information be can be found on the Bulldog Dash tab on our website.
Please separate your glass bottle from your plastic bottles and cans.
Interested in joining Booster Club, please join us. We meet in HHS rm 121. Enter through gym doors and turn left. Meeting starts at 7pm.
Join us at HOMECOMING Hamburg Football takes on North Tonawanda at 7pm. Admission $1 students, $2 adults, Free Senior Citizens with a Gold Card. Booster Club will have a informational table selling original Howe Field turf and 50/50. Proceeds benefit the Hamburg Bulldogs Booster Club.
Join us at Hamburg High School Open House. Booster Club will have a informational table selling original Howe Field turf. Proceeds benefit the Hamburg Bulldogs Booster Club.
Join us as Hamburg Football takes on Grand Island at 7pm. Admission $1 students, $2 adults, Free Senior Citizens with a Gold Card. Booster Club will have a informational table selling original Howe Field turf and 50/50. Proceeds benefit the Hamburg Bulldogs Booster Club.